Jewish Understanding

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One-Minute Messages
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Take a minute to discover the wisdom of the prophets, and learn how their messages can transform your life. Thousands...
A Fire in the Darkness: Guidance for Growth When Life Hurts
From the Warsaw Ghetto, the Piaseczner Rebbe foresaw the burning questions of our time, his words offering guidance for a...
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How Do I Connect? - A practical beginner’s guide to Torah life and interacting with the Orthodox Jewish community
Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz says: "In this brief but comprehensive book by Daniel BIRO you will find all you need...
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A Prophetic Vision: Penetrating insights from Rav Elchonon Wasserman's Kovetz Maamarim
When circumstances don’t make sense, faith is what keeps us anchored. We may not know Hashem’s plan, but we know...
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Fruits of the Orchard
In Fruits of the Orchard, Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, in his 20th book, displays his unique ability to blend the...
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Pictures of Your Soul
Have you ever asked yourself:"Where is my soul?""How can I achieve a higher level of inner awareness and growth?""How can...
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Above the Angels
"Rabbi Akiva taught: ‘You shall love your fellow like yourself’ is the fundamental rule of the Torah."       ...
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Insights and Attitudes
Torah Essays by Rav Hershel Schachter & Rav Mayer Twersky on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues Organized by the Weekly...
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Do You Want to Know Shas? Volume 2
Do you go to a shiur but don't have time for a full review? Do you want to recall what...
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Mazal Tov, My Torah
Hashem told the Jewish people, “I gave you the Torah; however, I am unable to part from it. So, I...
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Seventy Faces: Traditional Methods for Revealing Inner Dimensions of Torah
The Sages teach that there are seventy faces to the Torah: expressing the truth that there are multiple levels of...
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Pearls of Divine Providence
How can we find God in our lives? Divine providence is all around us — if we look for it....
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The Essential Abarbanel
What is the World to Come? Do we really have free will? Understanding the story of David and Batsheva... "Although...
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From Flickers to Flames (Two Volume Set)
"With the slightest spark, one can ignite another Jew's heart." Kiruv rechokim often seems like the buzzword of today's generation....
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Paradigm, Process, and Paradox
The Haggadah of Pesach is one of the most beloved of all Jewish texts. Through an engaging blend of story,...
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Do You Want to Know Shas?
Do you go to a shiur but don't have time for a full review? Do you want to recall what...
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The Inner Torah Workbook
In her clear and kind voice, known to so many through her Inner Torah books and workshops, and her private...
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Seasons of the Soul
The Ohr Chadash anthology of Jewish holidays and significant events The yearly cycle of the Jewish holidays provides an experiential...
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Back In Print
As Dawn Ends the Night
Is there any way to bring the era of revelation to life? Connection to a higher world seems almost hopeless...
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Pearls of Hashkafah
Building an emotional and intellectual relationship with G-d How do we connect to God? It seems almost simple, straightforward, but...
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The Hidden Light: A New Look at the Holocaust and Other Essays in Emunah
A new look at the holocaust and other essays in emunah. Where is Hashem in our daily lives? As we...
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Ma'asei Avos
Pirkei Avos through the eyes of the students of the Baal Shem Tov and their disciples Pirkei Avos is a...
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Dancing in Our Hearts
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Serve Hashem with Joy Who doesn’t want to be happy? In Dancing in Our Hearts, Rabbi Michoel Fletcher helps us...
Shema Yisrael-200 Meditations on Judaism’s Cardinal Statement of Faith
200 Meditations on Judaism’s Cardinal Statement of Faith The Shema is a cry from the heart, a meditation of the...
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From Strength To Strength
Torah Topics Explored Fascinating essays on emunah and bitachon, tefillah, simchas hachaim, shalom bayis, Shabbos, Moadei Hashanah, and much more....
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Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, International Author, Lecturer and beloved Teacher, brings the concept of Teshuvah (returning to Hashem) to us, in...
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Prophecy & Divine Inspiration
The Ohr Chadash Commentary on the Prophets As mankind struggles with the challenges of the twenty-first century, the words of...
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Meaningful Messages: Vayikra
Valuable lessons from the weekly parshah for the whole family, including selected and concise halachos of Shabbos The Zohar Hakadosh...
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Meaningful Messages: Shemos
Valuable lessons from the weekly parshah for the whole family, including selected and concise halachos of Shabbos The Zohar Hakadosh...
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The Inner Light of Love
A way to connect to Hashem, to klal Yisrael, and to ourselves Love is vital to life. Everyone needs the...
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Torah Beauty Beyond Belief
Insightful responses to challenging questions Truth is at the core of all that is good. And vice versa: all evil...
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Will, Freedom & Destiny
A comprehensive view of free will in Judaism Free will is at the root of the human condition. It defines...
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Chassan Shmooze
Advice from present-day gedolim for married men of all ages Rav Eliyahu Lopian was asked, "For what length of time...
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What's Beyond the Bible Text?
A book that explores relevant and contemporary issues while cross-referencing the entire Torah Are you ready for a journey of...
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The Mystical Nature of Light
Divine Paradox of Creation What is the role of "light" in the Written Torah, the Oral Tradition, Kabbalah and Chassidic...
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A Minute Vort 2
Practical and Relevant Insights on the Parsha Wit, wisdom & warmth. Give the author 60 seconds and he'll propel you...
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Beacons of Light
What can we learn from Avraham Avinu about reacting to success or failure? What do Yitzchak and Esav teach us...
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Festivals of Life
The Depth and Meaning of the Moadim Experience the awesome power of the days and festivals in our lives! In...
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The Breath and Body of Inner Torah
Take another step toward wholeness and holiness... Too many of us go through life aware of our thoughts, yet disconnected...
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Gemara Wisdom
Understanding the Ethics in Torah Law: Bava Metzia How does the Gemara guide us as individuals and as a society...
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The 8 Chapters of the Rambam: Shemonah Perakim
A Classic Work on the Fundamentals of Jewish Ethics and Character Development Discover eight chapters of wisdom, 800 years old....
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People of the Book
From Adam to Yehoshua: Personalities of the Torah What do we know about the unique spiritual legacy of the personalities...
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That's Life!
Torah Wisdom and Wit to Live By Powerful stories, timeless inspiration... In That's Life!, join Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein - popular...
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Emes VeEmunah - A Sfas Emes Companion
A Sfas Emes Companion In this breakthrough new book, Dr. Nosson Chayim Leff gives clarity to the profound and often...
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Practical Inner Torah
A Guide to Going Within A companion volume to the much-heralded Inner Torah, this book offers vital work for people...
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Dear Rabbi, Why Can't I Marry Her?
A Dialogue on Intermarriage This original and eye-opening book records the fascinating e-mail correspondences between a rabbi who was answering...
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Treasure from Sinai
Based on the Chafetz Chaim's Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar, the Kazman Family Edition GREAT GIFT IDEA! BEAUTIFUL DELUXE FORMAT!This wonderful book...
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A Wholly Life
Spiritual Integration of Mind, Body, and Soul How can you achieve spiritual wholeness and fulfillment? Unlike other beliefs or fads,...
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The Mystical Power of Music
Delve into the G-d-given gift of music with this one-of-a-kind Jewish book that explores the mystical qualities of music and...
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Letters to a Buddhist Jew
Rabbi Akiva Tatz and a lost "Buddhist" Jew discuss, in a series of letters, fundamentals of Jewish faith. It began...
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September 11 and You
Jews & 9/11: A powerful Jewish book on the Torah response to this - and every other - wake-up call....
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Encountering the Creator
Divine Providence and Prayer in the Works of Rambam Using the methodology and actual words of the Rambam and collected...
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Ohr Yisrael
The classic writings of Rav Yisrael Salanter and his disciple Rav Yitzchak Blazer The classic mussar sefer for our times....
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First Steps in Kiruv
Rabbi, why do men say the blessing "shelo asani isha"-you did not make me a woman? Rabbi, why do religious...
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Inner Torah
Where Consciousness and Kedushah Meet How does a woman connect with the spark of divinity within her? Learn how in...
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In-depth analysis of the Jewish holidays through the prism of rabbinic perspective There is more to Jewish holidays than just...
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Dancing through Time and Other Essays
Rabbi Yehuda Yonah Rubinstein is one of the most popular lecturers in the UK. A teacher, BBC radio personality, and...
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Ruach Chaim on Pirkei Avos
Rav Chaim Volozhiner's Classic Commentary on Pirkei AvosIn his classic work Ruach Chaim, Rav Chaim of Volozhin, preeminent student of...
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Mysteries of the Creation
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A Cosmology Derived from Tanach and ChazalMysteries of the Creation gives us a look at the mysteries of our complex...
Permission to Receive
Four Rational Approaches to the Torah's Divine Origin Is the Torah really Divine? In this sequel to the groundbreaking work...
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Tefillin: The Inside Story
The Inside Story Tefillin - have you ever wondered about the significance of these small black boxes? Why women don't...
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Fascinating Torah wisdom that will enrich your life and uncover the depths and hidden meanings of our physical world. Learn...
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The Palm Tree of Devorah
In a masterful synthesis of Kabbalah and ethics, Rabbi Moshe Cordovero teaches us to emulate G-d and imbues us with...
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Living Inspired
Rabbi Akiva Tatz's bestselling, remarkable exploration of Torah patterns & Jewish thought will show you how to live an inspired...
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Permission to Believe
Four Rational Approaches to G-d's ExistenceThe most perplexing question of all times: does God really exist? And is it really...
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