Parenting by the Parashah

Parenting by the Parashah

Enduring Chinuch Insights for Today's Generation

In order to raise children successfully, parents must identify which actions are really educational, which have nothing to do with more

Book Title Parenting by the Parashah
Author Rabbi Ari Neuwirth
ISBN 9781614655169
Date Published September 2017
Leveled Reading
Pages 256
Cover Type Hardcover
Enduring Chinuch Insights for Today's Generation

In order to raise children successfully, parents must identify which actions are really educational, which have nothing to do with chinuch, and which actually go against chinuch and produce undesirable results. Parenting by the Parashah, by Rabbi Ari Neuwirth, is brimming with timeless parenting guidance derived from our Torah to advise us during these perplexing times.

• How can we explain to our children why tefillah sometimes doesn’t bring desired results?
• What can we learn from the life of Moshe Rabbeinu to help prepare our children to become future leaders?
• What insights can the mahn give us in dealing with our children’s focus on materialism?

With an intriguing mix of commentaries and stories from our gedolim as well as contemporary examples, Rabbi Neuwirth presents insights on the parashah that will deepen and enrich our parenting.


Rabbi Ari Neuwirth is a successful mechanech with over fifteen years of experience in the classroom and as an elementary and mesivta menahel of Judaic and general studies departments. He has been a columnist for the Yated Neeman as well as the Chazaq organization on the topic of parashah and parenting and is a popular speaker.


“This collection captures the essence of chinuch…. I’m delighted that this sefer, containing parenting advice through the prism of Torah, is being published.”

—HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita