Jewish Law

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Guidelines The Kosher Kitchen
Questions and answers about the laws of milk and meat and related topics.               ...
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The Minchas Chinuch on Pesach 2
APPRECIATION FOR THE SEFER MINCHAS CHINUCH“Its words are real Torah; one can derive many halachos from the sefer.” SDEI CHEMED...
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Guidelines Laws of Preparing Food on Shabbos
Questions and answers about the laws of preparing food on Shabbos.                   ...
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The Minchas Chinuch on Pesach
A deeper perspective on the mitzvos of Leil HaSeder.  This sefer is an in-depth analysis of the mitzvos of matzah...
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Insights and Attitudes
Torah Essays by Rav Hershel Schachter & Rav Mayer Twersky on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues Organized by the Weekly...
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Do You Want to Know Shas? Volume 2
Do you go to a shiur but don't have time for a full review? Do you want to recall what...
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Headlines 3
In a rapidly changing world, Orthodox Jews turn to halacha as both their anchor and their source of guidance for...
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The Bar Mitzvah and Tefillin Handbook
A Momentous Day... A Treasure for Life The Bar Mitzvah and Tefillin Handbook focuses on one of the most meaningful...
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Guidelines Sensational Phenomena
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Brachos for Sensational Phenomena. "These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei...
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Guidelines Tevilas Keilim
"These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei HaRabbonim and have been received warmly by the English speaking Torah...
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Do You Know Hilchos Yom Tov?
Do You Know Hilchos Yom Tov? follows Do You Know Hilchos Chol Hamoed? Do You Know Hilchos Shabbos? and Do...
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Do You Know Hilchos Chol Hamoed?
Do You Know Hilchos Chol Hamoed? follows Do You Know Hilchos Shabbos? and Do You Know Hilchos Brachos? in this...
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Guidelines - Questions and Answers about the Laws of Muktzeh
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Muktzeh "These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei HaRabbonim and have...
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Guidelines to Brachos One-Volume Editon
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Brachos We say one hundred of them each and every day. Do we...
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Headlines 2
Halachic debates of current events World events are catalysts for all sorts of change. Headlines 2: Halachic Debates of Current...
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Guidelines to Shaatnez: Questions and Answers about the laws of Shaatnez and other topics related to clothing
"These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei HaRabbonim and have been received warmly by the English-speaking Torah community......
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Guidelines to Tefillah One-Volume Edition
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Questions and Answers about the laws of Tefillah These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei HaRabbonim and have...
Guidelines Chol Hamoed
Questions and Answers about the laws of Chol Hamoed.
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Guidelines Bishul
Questions and answers about the laws of Bishul From the authors of the popular Guidelines series, this concise book contains...
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The Housekeeper in the Jewish Home
Halachic issues that will arise when a gentile is in a Jewish Home Do you ever have a gentile in...
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Guidelines to Kiddush and Havdalah
Questions and Answers about the laws of Kiddush and Havdalah These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei HaRabbonim...
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Halachic debates of current events World events are catalysts for all sorts of change. Headlines: Halachic Debates of Current Events...
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Guidelines to Honoring Parents
Questions and answers about the laws of honoring parents “These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei HaRabbonim and...
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Do You Know Hilchos Brachos?
Kitzur Hilchos Brachos, Expanded Edition This unique sefer of questions and answers presents the laws of brachos in a clear,...
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Guidelines to Borer
Questions and answers about the laws of borer "These books have been praised highly by numerous Gedolei HaRabbonim and have...
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Do You Know Hilchos Shabbos?
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Practical Questions for the Whole Family This excellent sefer of questions and answers is presented in a clear, engaging way,...
Shalom Aleichem
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A Collection of Halachos, Aggados and Anecdotes about Greeting People One of the most well-known sayings in all of Judaism...
The Making of a Halachic Decision
What constitutes a halachic decision? How do we arrive at each conclusion? Why is the process so complex? What constitutes...
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Guidelines to Yichud
From the authors of the well-known Guidelines series, this new volume presents, in trademark question-and-answer format, the laws of Yichud....
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Guidelines Pesach Haggadah
A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to the Laws of the Seder with a New Lucid Translation of the Haggadah. Rabbi Elozor...
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Guidelines to Major Events of Life
Questions and Answers about the Major Events of Life including a Comprehensive Guide to the Laws of Mourning From the...
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Guidelines to Succah and Arba Minim
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Questions and Answers about the Laws of Succah and Arba Minim Newly revised and updated, Guidelines to Succah and Arba...
Guidelines to Sefiras HaOmer and Shavuos
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Sefiras Ha'Omer and Shavous We count the days of the Omer each day....
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Watching My Words
An Illustrated Children's Guide to the Halachos of Shemiras HaLashon Someone littered all over the school yard. Can Yitzy tell...
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Question Market
Relevant, informative, and thought-provoking answers to contemporary questions on Jewish law, customs, and ethics When does Shabbos end in Helsinki,...
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Guidelines to Shemittah
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Shemittah The easiest guide to shemittah on the market. Covers gardening and care...
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Guidelines to Tefillah Vol. II
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Tefillah From the popular Guidelines series comes this second volume of the user-friendly,...
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To Comfort, To Cure
It's a medicine. It's a mitzvah.In today's world of medical miracles, sometimes the most effective cure can be -- you....
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Dear Rabbi, Why Can't I Marry Her?
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A Dialogue on Intermarriage This original and eye-opening book records the fascinating e-mail correspondences between a rabbi who was answering...
Treasure from Sinai
Based on the Chafetz Chaim's Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar, the Kazman Family Edition GREAT GIFT IDEA! BEAUTIFUL DELUXE FORMAT!This wonderful book...
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Guidelines to Candle Lighting & Separating Challah
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Candle Lighting and Separating Challah Every week Jewish women worldwide are careful to...
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Guidelines to Yom Tov
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Yom Tov From the popular Guidelines series, this book addresses over 300 of...
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Seasons in Halacha
A Collection of Halachic Discussions Around the Year This invaluable book gives clarity to the Jewish practices throughout the year,...
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The Halachic Guide to Medical Practice on Shabbos
For Physicians, Caregivers, and the Home Translated from the popular Refuat HaShabbat, this invaluable guide covers all aspects of the...
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Honoring Parents in Halachah
A practical guide This practical, comprehensive, and easy-to-read guide of the halachos of kibbud av va'em is a must-have for...
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Guidelines to Family Purity
Questions and Answers about the Laws of Family Purity "This practical and easy-to-read book is presented in a clear question-and-answer...
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Guidelines to Purim
Over Two Hundred and Fifty of the Most Commonly Asked Questions about PurimThere's more to Purim than drinking - here...
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Guidelines to Pesach
Over Five Hundred of the Most Commonly Asked Questions about Pesach From cleaning the stovetop to setting the seder table,...
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The Laws of Tzitzis
A practical guide to making and wearing tzitzis Are you fulfilling the mitzvah of tzitzis correctly? This short, clearly written,...
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Tefillin: The Inside Story
The Inside Story Tefillin - have you ever wondered about the significance of these small black boxes? Why women don't...
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The Path of the Righteous Gentile
An Introduction to the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah G-d entrusted the Jews with 613 commandments - their...
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