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Lustig un Lebedig
לוּסטיג אוּן לעבּעדיג NOW IN YIDDISH! What could be better than a long visit to a farm to see all the...
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Strunes fun Hufenung
סטרונעס פון האפענונג Nestled in the cobblestoned streets of Tzefas, a family tries to revel in the joy of Shabbos....
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Mein Gehle Bus
מיין געלע באס What’s that, barreling down the street, sounds of laughter bursting from its windows? Why, it’s Reb Kalman’s...
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Orchos Tzaddikim Far Tzon Kedoshim #2
ארחות צדיקים פאר צאן קדושים חלק ב דער ספר ״ארחות צדיקים״ כאטש געאייגנט ספעציעל פאר קינדער, האט אן אויסנאמע געשמאק...
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Eibigeh Flamen #1
אייביגע פלאמען Stories of tzaddikim warm our hearts, enlighten our minds and awaken our souls. They are like precious diamonds, handed...
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Shimmy in Vatranus Land
שמעי אין ותרנות לאנד Three-year-old Shimmy is a really big boy. He has payos and a kippah and he loves...
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Eibigeh Flamen #2
אייביגע פלאמען Stories of tzaddikim warm our hearts, enlighten our minds and awaken our souls. They are like precious diamonds, handed...
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Orchos Tzaddikim Far Tzon Kedoshim #1
ארחות צדיקים פאר צאן קדושים חלק א דער ספר ״ארחות צדיקים״ כאטש געאייגנט ספעציעל פאר קינדער, האט אןאויסנאמע געשמאק וואס...
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Orchos Tzaddikim Far Tzon Kedoshim #3
ארחות צדיקים פאר צאן קדושים חלק ג דער ספר ״ארחות צדיקים״ כאטש געאייגנט ספעציעל פאר קינדער, האט אןאויסנאמע געשמאק וואס ציט...
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Orchos Tzaddikim Far Tzon Kedoshim #4
ארחות צדיקים פאר צאן קדושים חלק ד דער ספר ״ארחות צדיקים״ כאטש געאייגנט ספעציעל פאר קינדער, האט אןאויסנאמע געשמאק וואס ציט...
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Gut Oisgeshpilt
גוט אויסגעשפילט “Sir, you are under arrest!” “You are under arrest. How long did you think you could keep lying to...
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Rus Di Mameh fun Malchus
רות די מאמע פון מלכות The story of Megillas Rus, written in rhyme and modified for children. Beautifully illustrated and...
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A Geheimenim in Kaser
א געהיימענים אין קאסר Saadia HaLevi escapes from a Moslem orphanage in Yemen and meets… Saadia HaLevi who has also escaped from...
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Let's Meet a Firefighter (Yiddish)
What does a firefighter do? Let's spend some time with a firefighter as he puts out a fire and rescues...
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Let's Meet a Sofer (Yiddish)
Our Community is a series with engaging photographs, written in question-and-answer format. Children will be fascinated to read about and identify...
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Let's Meet a Chaveirim Member (Yiddish)
How does Chaveirim help people? Let’s spend some time with Chaveirim members as they change a flat tire and help a...
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Yudele un Vanele
יודעלע און וואנעלע Now in Yiddish - Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #10These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday...
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Der Turem
דער טורעם Now in Yiddish - Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #9These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts...
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Di Kleine Bekers
די קליינע בעקערס Now in Yiddish - Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #14These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday...
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Volvi's Heizkele
וואלווי'ס הייזקעלע Now in Yiddish - Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #13These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts...
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Der Nasherei Palatz
דער נאשעריי פאלאץ Now in Yiddish - Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #11These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday...
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In Di Vegen fun di Heilige Tannaim #1
אין די וועגן פון די הייליגע תנאים חלק א A new and original collection of stories for children about our...
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Nissi Neiger #1
Coming soon
,מיט ניסי נייגער מאך זיך באקאנט""...א זיסע מיידל, זי איז יעדנ'ס פריינט באקען זיך מיט ניסי, א פרייליכע מיידל וואס...
Let's Meet a Hatzalah Member (Yiddish)
How does Hatzalah help people? Let’s spend some time with a Hatzalah member as he answers a call for help...
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Voyle Moishy Naye Baby Shvester
וואוילער מויש'ס נייע בעבי שוועסטער An educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #1 Written by renowned children's author Menucha Fuchs...
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Fishel Der Fishchofer
פישל דער פישכאפר Book #3 of The Mashal V'Nimshal Series This is a delightful story of three fishermen who go...
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Veimen Hut Der Kenig Das Beste Leeb?
וועמען האט דער קעניג דאס בעסטע ליב Book #1 of the Mashal V'Nimshal Series A knife, fork, and spoon fight...
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Zeldy Zumerfaygele Lernt Zich Fliyen
זעלדי זומערפייגעלע לערנט זיך פליען Animal Kingdom Series #2This adorable set of books, written by renowned children's author Menucha Fuchs...
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Voyle Moishy Shpilt Zich Alein
וואילער מוישי שפילט זיך אליין  An educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #4 Written by renowned children's author Menucha Fuchs...
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Voyle Moishy Zogt Emes
וואילער מוישי זאגט אמת An educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #2 Written by renowned children's author Menucha Fuchs and...
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Voyle Moishy Tut Zich Un Alein
וואילער מוישי טוט זיך אן אליין An educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #3 Written by renowned children's author Menucha...
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Di Farems in Shpitul
די פארעמס אין שפיטאל Loads of Fun with ShapesThese terrific books will teach your youngest children all about basic shapes...
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Der Vunderlicher Fiddler
דער וואונדערליכר פידלער “Yes, Papa. It’s Vladek. I’m trying to shake him off, like you told me to…”“Help! Everything is...
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Ver Bistu Dert In Shpigel
ווער ביסטו דארט אין דעם שפיגל The magical moments of childhood...With the familiar scenarios in this engaging book, you'll have the...
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Duvid's Vunder Shtecken
דוד'ס וואונדער שטעקן  What could be special about a broom? You’ll find out once you see what it can carry!
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Ruchi un Elchanan in Iberrashung Land
רחי אוּן אלחנן אין איבּערראשׁוּנג לאנד NOW IN YIDDISH! Surprise Land is a special place brimming with surprises. It's filled with...
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Eibigeh Flamen #3
אייביגע פלאמען Stories of tzaddikim warm our hearts, enlighten our minds and awaken our souls. They are like precious diamonds, handed...
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