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The Klausenberger Rebbe
Coming soon
In Eastern Europe, the Jews who survived World War II were poor, homeless, and frightened. Who would help them rebuild...
Giving It a Chance
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Everything was better in Yerushalayim. No one even noticed Abba’s wheelchair. Here, everyone sees it, but they’re simply too polite...
At the Zoo with Rabbi Miller
Coming soon
Don’t be left behind! Join Avrami, Moishy, and Shloimy on an exciting trip to the zoo with the amazing Rabbi...
The Search Is On
Fasten your seat belts for the trip of a lifetime!  Twelve-year-old twins Yochanan and Shifra are looking forward to an...
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Crazy About Moo
Have you herd? It’s Mr. Moo! Stuck on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper? Trapped in the Statue of Liberty?...
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The pirate captain stared at us with his glittering dark eyes as he barked his orders.“You are all our prisoners....
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Not Fair!
It’s just not fair! Nine-year-old Shevi is beyond mortified. How can she possibly bring a babyish thing like lollipops to...
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The Shopping Adventure
”Is something the matter?” You ask. Oddly, you feel as if you’re in trouble. ”You might say that,” the manager...
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Adina Farina Faces Her Fears
Get ready for a new adventure with the Farina family! Adina is a fun-loving and talented sixth grader with a...
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Too Tough to Care
Coming soon
It all began with the baseball uniforms. Levi was trying to help, but somehow that didn’t make Big Baruch any...
The Unlikelies
A boy who just wants to be popular. A class that can’t seem to get along. A school that won’t...
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I Have a Question for You
Coming soon
How did marshmallows get their name? Why do my fingers get all wrinkled in the pool? Why are some people...
Chol Hamoed Trip Gone Wrong
The Berger kids are going on an exciting trip to Adventure World. It’s loads of fun, but why is Eliyahu...
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The New Baker’s Dozen #1: Dilemmas
Coming soon
The Bakers are back! A lot has happened in the past two years. The quints are ready to apply to...
The Sleepover
Ready, set, solo? The Shireinu Girls Choir is back! Everyone’s convinced Shira’s going to get a solo in their upcoming...
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From Me to You #2
Fly across the ocean with Yanky to the holiest place on earth. Stand up to bullies with Shaindy and cheer...
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Escape from Ukraine
Ukraine, 2022 With the Russian invasion in February 2022, Dnipro, Ukraine, has suddenly become aterrifying place to live. The Weber...
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The Tessler Triplets: Surprises x3
Coming soon
What happens when you have to change your home, your school, and all your friends?Butterflies in your stomach, a good...
Invisible Tribe
This is the book I wish had been around when I was a kid. Stories that explore the tough, messy,...
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Simi flipped her blond braid over her shoulder. “If someone doesn’t make the effort to dress right, she shouldn’t expect...
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The Case of the Chewy Cholent
“The cholent? What was wrong with the cholent?” Adina hesitates, like she’s wondering if it’s lashon hara to say something...
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Walking West
“Are we still in Kansas?” “No, Uncle Simon. We crossed into Indian Territory a little way back.”  “But…it’s a house....
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Escape from Denmark
Denmark, 1943 Denmark in 1943 has become a dangerous place for Jews to live. Though the Danish king and his...
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The Tessler Triplets: Decisions x3
What happens when your whole world turns upside down?Shock, panic, confusion, and lots of tears. That’s what happens when the...
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Way to Go
Imagine raising $50,000 for a new Torah. Or climbing to the roof to rescue your little brother. Or having your bar mitzvah...
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Confusion in the Classroom
Who’s stealing all the prizes? The Super Sleuth Trio is back! Eleven-year-old Avi Cohen and his friends are the best...
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Alien Invasion
The aliens are coming! Deep in space, an alien spaceship is mysteriously destroyed by a nuclear missile. Twintal Ork and Dwint Splatch...
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The Impossible Project
“This project is awful,” Hindy said. “But why?” Rina asked. “More work is just your cup of tea.” “You wouldn’t get it.” Rina...
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Prisoner of Pikers Island
There was a blast from above, and Eli looked up. Bursts of wind from spinning helicopterblades slapped his bangs against...
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Return of the V.I.P.
“Listen, everyone’s a little afraid of heights, but you can’t go through life being scared. Theonly way to beat it...
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Rolling with Nonny
There’s a new kid in town… Yochanan Bear, better known as Nonny, is a spunky eleven-year-old who’s smart, funny, and...
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Yosef Mendelevich
In the Soviet Union, believing in anything other than Communism was forbidden. Millions of people were jailed for holding onto...
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Who Is Coby Dubin?
Something is very wrong, but no one is talking about it... Coby Dubin finds sitting behind a desk at school...
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Mystery at Peasant's Inn
A treasure hidden for hundreds of years...and nobody can find it. Nine-year-old twins Ari and Tova Berg are back! On...
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Why are the Cohen twins hanging out in the chestnut tree with a video camera and rubber bands? Asher and Esti...
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The Tryouts
A real choir? She couldn’t believe it. She just had to join. Everyone thinks it’s super cool that Shira, the new...
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Invisible Izzy
First you see him, then you don’t...  Eleven-year-old Izzy Sharf is a master inventor whose amazing brain is always whirring...
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Fishy Business
“They look dark,” Donny said, peering down one of the tunnels. “Do you think they’ve been here this whole time?” ...
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Can one girl’s defiance make a difference? Young Shula lives in the town of Homyel, USSR, in the 1930s. She...
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The Way it Was: During World War II
What was life like during World War II? World War II was a difficult time for Jews in the US....
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Menucha Collection Cards
Step into the enchanting world of Menucha Publishers with our delightful Collection Cards! Every card introduces a charming character from...
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B.Y. High #3 Going Home
Going their separate ways… For the three girls boarding in the Baums’ basement, Pesach vacation means more than a well-earned...
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The Feldman Five: Seaside Adventure
Smugglers Cove was once part of a big smuggling operation. Now the old place is deserted, but there are rumors...
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Catch That Crook!
Avi Neuman and Shlomo Bernstein never have time to be bored! An innocent visit to a retirement home leads to...trouble....
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Attack of the Sukkos Bandits
 The Berger kids are looking forward to a fun-filled Sukkos at Bubby and Zaidy’s house. But they’re shocked by what...
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Penina Farina and the Cleanup Campaign
The Farina family is back! Penina Farina is just as bouncy as ever! When Mommy trips over a mess on...
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Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift
“I’m Reuven,” he said to his new teacher. He remembered not to shake hands too hard. As he turned away, Reuven...
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Back to the Beis HaMikdash
Chana and Zacky stood frozen in place. Could it be? Zacky gulped. “It seems like we’re in the past. Like two...
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Let's Draw!
Calling All Aspiring Artists! You’re invited to join a cartoon art course for kids aged six and up. The course is taught...
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The Boy Who Loved Torah
When Rav Chaim was a boy, he loved to learn Torah. All he wanted to do was study. He saved all his...
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Ruvy's Startling Discovery
Ruvy Greenbaum is a popular leader and clever jokester. He’s thrilled to be back at Camp Geshmak. But who does...
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