Children and Young Adult

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The Mystery of the Missing Donor
Coming soon
“Look up there.” Shimmel pointed to the top of the building. “See how the roof slopes more steeply on one...
Mystery at Landscape Farm
Coming soon
“Oh no! She’s gone! Gertrude the Goat, where are you?”  Nine-year-old twins Ari and Tova are on the case! On...
The Klausenberger Rebbe
Coming soon
In Eastern Europe, the Jews who survived World War II were poor, homeless, and frightened. Who would help them rebuild...
Giving It a Chance
Coming soon
Everything was better in Yerushalayim. No one even noticed Abba’s wheelchair. Here, everyone sees it, but they’re simply too polite...
The Stolen Children #2
Coming soon
The Stolen Children is the heart-stopping tale of Shalom and Saada Halevy, a brother and sister whowere orphaned of their parents...
Marvelous Moishy 4 in 1 (books 5-8)
Coming soon
Join Marvelous Moishy as he learns important social skills in books 5 to 8 of this delightful series! Understand the...
The Secret Seder
Coming soon
It’s not easy to keep Pesach in Siberia…Ruchi and Mechi’s family hides extra potatoes and hopes they’ll be able to...
It Just So Happened!
Coming soon
Things don’t just happen — no, that’s not the case.At the right time Hashem puts us in just the right...
At the Zoo with Rabbi Miller
Coming soon
Don’t be left behind! Join Avrami, Moishy, and Shloimy on an exciting trip to the zoo with the amazing Rabbi...
The Snowman That Didn't Melt
Coming soon
Four-year-old Ari doesn’t want to build a snowman. He’ll be way too sad when it melts. But his big brother...
Fear in France
Coming soon
  There’s something strange happening in the old barn, and Nomi is determined to find out what it is.Eleven-year-old Nomi...
The Search Is On
Fasten your seat belts for the trip of a lifetime!  Twelve-year-old twins Yochanan and Shifra are looking forward to an...
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Crazy About Moo
Have you herd? It’s Mr. Moo! Stuck on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper? Trapped in the Statue of Liberty?...
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The pirate captain stared at us with his glittering dark eyes as he barked his orders.“You are all our prisoners....
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Not Fair!
It’s just not fair! Nine-year-old Shevi is beyond mortified. How can she possibly bring a babyish thing like lollipops to...
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The Shopping Adventure
”Is something the matter?” You ask. Oddly, you feel as if you’re in trouble. ”You might say that,” the manager...
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Adina Farina Faces Her Fears
Get ready for a new adventure with the Farina family! Adina is a fun-loving and talented sixth grader with a...
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Too Tough to Care
Coming soon
It all began with the baseball uniforms. Levi was trying to help, but somehow that didn’t make Big Baruch any...
The Unlikelies
A boy who just wants to be popular. A class that can’t seem to get along. A school that won’t...
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The Stolen Children #1
Coming soon
The Stolen Children is the heart-stopping tale of Shalom and Saada Halevy, a brother and sister who were orphaned of their...
Saddam: Game Over #6
Coming soon
Fouad Yechezkel, a well-respected and wealthy Iraqi Jew, must run away from Iraq with his wife. They reluctantly leave behind their...
9.11.2001 #2
Coming soon
Eric, a world-renowned scientist, developed a unique chemical bomb that can destroy its target without causing damage to the surrounding...
Baylee's Yellow Party
Baylee’s favorite color is yellow. She’s having a party for her friends, and everyone must wear yellow. But what if someone...
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Marvelous Moishy 4 in 1
Join Marvelous Moishy as he learns important social skills in the first four books of this delightful series! Understand the...
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From Rock to Salt
Where does salt come from?Follow its amazing journey from rocks buried deep in the earth to the salt we use...
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I Have a Question for You
How did marshmallows get their name? Why do my fingers get all wrinkled in the pool? Why are some people...
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Chol Hamoed Trip Gone Wrong
The Berger kids are going on an exciting trip to Adventure World. It’s loads of fun, but why is Eliyahu...
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The New Baker’s Dozen #1: Dilemmas
Coming soon
The Bakers are back! A lot has happened in the past two years. The quints are ready to apply to...
The Sleepover
Ready, set, solo? The Shireinu Girls Choir is back! Everyone’s convinced Shira’s going to get a solo in their upcoming...
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From Me to You #2
Fly across the ocean with Yanky to the holiest place on earth. Stand up to bullies with Shaindy and cheer...
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Listening In: Real Teens, Real Stories
Tune in to true stories by teens! Chaya was born with a mischievous expression on her face. If there was...
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Escape from Ukraine
Ukraine, 2022 With the Russian invasion in February 2022, Dnipro, Ukraine, has suddenly become aterrifying place to live. The Weber...
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The Tessler Triplets: Surprises x3
Coming soon
What happens when you have to change your home, your school, and all your friends?Butterflies in your stomach, a good...
Sold Out
Tzipora Stein was always the class neb.Now, she has the chance to change that for good.She just has to pay...
The Race #2
The Race is the riveting story of Yoni, a Jewish race car driver from Belgium, who tries to leave his...
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Saddam: Game Over #5
Fouad Yechezkel, a well-respected and wealthy Iraqi Jew, must run away from Iraq with his wife. They reluctantly leave behind their...
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Race to the Top
A pair of fun-loving twins decides to race to the top of a tall building. Who will get there first?...
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Picture Perfect
Ready to uncover some hidden family secrets? Bracha and Sara, along with their classmates, are eager to get started on...
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One Batch of Brownie Bars
Delicious doughnuts? Heavenly hamantaschen? Cherry cheesecakes? You’ll find them all — and more — on this delightful journey through the...
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Mr. President #2
During the presidential race, shortly before election day, the president of the United States of America is shot dead. The...
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Invisible Tribe
This is the book I wish had been around when I was a kid. Stories that explore the tough, messy,...
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24 hours #6
24 Hours is the story of a desperate race against the clock that takes place across continents and in far-off countries....
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9.11.2001 #1
Eric, a world-renowned scientist, developed a unique chemical bomb that can destroy its target without causing damage to the surrounding environment....
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Mendy and the Golem
Relive the magic of the first Kosher Comic Book with the new Mendy and the Golem Collection! This first volume...
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Simi flipped her blond braid over her shoulder. “If someone doesn’t make the effort to dress right, she shouldn’t expect...
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The Case of the Chewy Cholent
“The cholent? What was wrong with the cholent?” Adina hesitates, like she’s wondering if it’s lashon hara to say something...
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Saddam: Game Over #4
Fouad Yechezkel, a well-respected and wealthy Iraqi Jew, must run away from Iraq with his wife. They reluctantly leave behind their...
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24 hours #5
24 Hours is the story of a desperate race against the clock that takes place across continents and in far-off countries....
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The Race #1
The Race is the riveting story of Yoni, a Jewish race-car driver from Belgium, who tries to leave his successful auto...
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Mr. President #1
During the presidential race, shortly before election day, the president of the United States of America is shot dead. The...
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Danger in Iran #4
Behind the Scenes: The Stories, the Fears, the Rescue Danger in Iran is based on true events. It is a tale...
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Walking West
“Are we still in Kansas?” “No, Uncle Simon. We crossed into Indian Territory a little way back.”  “But…it’s a house....
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Escape from Denmark
Denmark, 1943 Denmark in 1943 has become a dangerous place for Jews to live. Though the Danish king and his...
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Let's Meet Matzah Bakers
What do matzah bakers do? Let’s spend some time at a matzah bakery and watch how bakers make matzos. Our Community...
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The Tessler Triplets: Decisions x3
What happens when your whole world turns upside down?Shock, panic, confusion, and lots of tears. That’s what happens when the...
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Way to Go
Imagine raising $50,000 for a new Torah. Or climbing to the roof to rescue your little brother. Or having your bar mitzvah...
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Confusion in the Classroom
Who’s stealing all the prizes? The Super Sleuth Trio is back! Eleven-year-old Avi Cohen and his friends are the best...
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Bubby's Leichter
Bubby Faigy and her special leichter celebrate Shabbos throughout the years.
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Alien Invasion
The aliens are coming! Deep in space, an alien spaceship is mysteriously destroyed by a nuclear missile. Twintal Ork and Dwint Splatch...
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Song of Faith
It’s true that the Jews are having a harder time than most people in Germany. Sometimesthere’s fighting in the streets...
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The Impossible Project
“This project is awful,” Hindy said. “But why?” Rina asked. “More work is just your cup of tea.” “You wouldn’t get it.” Rina...
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Please Be Patient
What if a fox and his friends come to call, and you ask them to patiently wait in the hall.You tell...
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Benny in Teary Town
Benny was a cute boy who had one problem. He cried all the time!Join Benny and his mommy as they find...
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Lazer Becomes a Winner
Lazer Winter likes to ride his bike, play chess, and read. But the boys at school tease and make fun of...
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Hoppy and Jumpy in the King's Palace
Hoppy and Jumpy were two little frogs who croaked and hopped about in a wide swamp. One day they join a...
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Prisoner of Pikers Island
There was a blast from above, and Eli looked up. Bursts of wind from spinning helicopterblades slapped his bangs against...
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Return of the V.I.P.
“Listen, everyone’s a little afraid of heights, but you can’t go through life being scared. Theonly way to beat it...
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KID Club and the Thank You Hashem Wall - Book & CD
Do you need a solution, some help, some fun? We’re the kids helping kids, and we’ll get the job done!...
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Rolling with Nonny
There’s a new kid in town… Yochanan Bear, better known as Nonny, is a spunky eleven-year-old who’s smart, funny, and...
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Danger in Iran #3
Behind the Scenes: The Stories, the Fears, the Rescue Danger in Iran is based on true events. It is a tale...
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From Sugar Cane to Candy
How is candy made? Follow its amazing journey from a stalk of sugar cane to the delicious candy we love to...
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Adventure in the Amazon #5
In the Amazon, the largest rainforest on earth, rare and dangerous creatures live side by side with primitive, savage tribes....
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24 Hours #4
24 Hours is the story of a desperate race against the clock that takes place across continents and in far-off countries....
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Saddam: Game Over #3
Fouad Yechezkel, a well-respected and wealthy Iraqi Jew, must run away from Iraq with his wife. They reluctantly leave behind their...
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The Secret Megillah
It’s not easy to celebrate Purim in Siberia...Ruchi and Mechi don’t remember what Purim was like before they lived in...
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Mendy of Australia
My name is Mendy, and I am nine years old. I live in Australia, in the city of Melbourne. At...
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Yosef Mendelevich
In the Soviet Union, believing in anything other than Communism was forbidden. Millions of people were jailed for holding onto...
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Who Is Coby Dubin?
Something is very wrong, but no one is talking about it... Coby Dubin finds sitting behind a desk at school...
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Mystery at Peasant's Inn
A treasure hidden for hundreds of years...and nobody can find it. Nine-year-old twins Ari and Tova Berg are back! On...
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Why are the Cohen twins hanging out in the chestnut tree with a video camera and rubber bands? Asher and Esti...
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The Tryouts
A real choir? She couldn’t believe it. She just had to join. Everyone thinks it’s super cool that Shira, the new...
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Invisible Izzy
First you see him, then you don’t...  Eleven-year-old Izzy Sharf is a master inventor whose amazing brain is always whirring...
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Fishy Business
“They look dark,” Donny said, peering down one of the tunnels. “Do you think they’ve been here this whole time?” ...
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Silent Summer
There’s something strange going on at Camp Rivkah...On their second day at camp, puzzling events begin when Bracha and Sara...
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Can one girl’s defiance make a difference? Young Shula lives in the town of Homyel, USSR, in the 1930s. She...
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More Cookies!
These cookies are yummy! Raizy wants more. Will Mommy let her have them?  *** Dear Parents, Congratulations on reading More Cookies! with...
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Catch the Tantrum
One day, a big temper tantrum with green hair and pointy teeth invades the Levy house. Find out what happens...
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The Way it Was: During World War II
What was life like during World War II? World War II was a difficult time for Jews in the US....
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The Secret Candles
Ruchi loves Shabbos. When she puts on her only Shabbos dress and watches Mommy light the candles, it doesn’t matter that...
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The Natan Club
Israel, 1986 A group of boys form a club only to discover that one member's father is stuck behind the...
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Behind the Curtain
“Sir, you are under arrest!” “You are under arrest. How long did you think you could keep lying to everyone?” “I’ve been...
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The Tehran Children
In the aftermath of World War II, a group of brave Jewish children embarks on a remarkablejourney. As part of a...
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Menucha Collection Cards
Step into the enchanting world of Menucha Publishers with our delightful Collection Cards! Every card introduces a charming character from...
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Reb Kalman's Yellow School Bus
What’s that, barreling down the street, sounds of laughter bursting from its windows? Why, it’s Reb Kalman’s yellow school bus...
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Who's in the Mirror?
The magical moments of childhood...With the familiar scenarios in this engaging book, you'll have the special opportunity to share some of...
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B.Y. High #3 Going Home
Going their separate ways… For the three girls boarding in the Baums’ basement, Pesach vacation means more than a well-earned...
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The Feldman Five: Seaside Adventure
Smugglers Cove was once part of a big smuggling operation. Now the old place is deserted, but there are rumors...
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Catch That Crook!
Avi Neuman and Shlomo Bernstein never have time to be bored! An innocent visit to a retirement home leads to...trouble....
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Attack of the Sukkos Bandits
 The Berger kids are looking forward to a fun-filled Sukkos at Bubby and Zaidy’s house. But they’re shocked by what...
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Stormy Waters
I ran to my desk, trying hard to keep the tears from falling. What had happened to Ariella? Or rather, which...
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Danny's Wonder Broom
What could be special about a broom? You’ll find out once you see what it can carry!
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24 Hours #3
24 Hours is the story of a desperate race against the clock that takes place across continents and in far-off countries....
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Danger in Iran #2
Behind the Scenes: The Stories, the Fears, the Rescue Danger in Iran is based on true events. It is a tale...
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Adventure in the Amazon #4
In the Amazon, the largest rainforest on earth, rare and dangerous creatures live side by side with primitive, savage tribes....
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Saddam: Game Over! #2
Fouad Yechezkel, a well-respected and wealthy Iraqi Jew, must run away from Iraq with his wife. They reluctantly leave behind...
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Penina Farina and the Cleanup Campaign
The Farina family is back! Penina Farina is just as bouncy as ever! When Mommy trips over a mess on...
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Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift
“I’m Reuven,” he said to his new teacher. He remembered not to shake hands too hard. As he turned away, Reuven...
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Danger in Iran #1
Behind the Scenes: The Stories, the Fears, the Rescue Danger in Iran is based on true events. It is a tale...
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Back to the Beis HaMikdash
Chana and Zacky stood frozen in place. Could it be? Zacky gulped. “It seems like we’re in the past. Like two...
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The Bed That Stood Up in the Closet
Brachi is sleeping at Bubby’s house for the very first time. But there’s a problem. There are no beds! Where will...
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Saddam: Game Over #1
Fouad Yechezkel, a well-respected and wealthy Iraqi Jew, must run away from Iraq with his wife. They reluctantly leave behind...
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Seattle to Strawberries
Friends came over to say goodbye. I bit back my shame as I dodged questions about why we were leaving, too...
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Let's Draw!
Calling All Aspiring Artists! You’re invited to join a cartoon art course for kids aged six and up. The course is taught...
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The Mysterious Map
A harrowing hunt for hidden treasure! Yaacov Acosta’s final request was that his son Shimon deliver a mysterious map to Yehudah...
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Speedy the Spider's Secret Mission
Speedy the Spider lives peacefully in the desert. One day he is sent to a faraway cave. He’s on an...
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The Boy Who Loved Torah
When Rav Chaim was a boy, he loved to learn Torah. All he wanted to do was study. He saved all his...
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Ruvy's Startling Discovery
Ruvy Greenbaum is a popular leader and clever jokester. He’s thrilled to be back at Camp Geshmak. But who does...
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Funny Sunny Comes to Town
When Funny Sunny comes to town, Mrs. Gold is overjoyed. Sunny can help Mrs. Gold clean her big house. She...
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B.Y. High #2 Making Her Mark
A question of relationships... The months have flown by. B.Y. High is a real high school now, with real projects,...
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Layla's Vistaville Spring
Dear Diary,  I can’t believe it! I’m back in VISTAVILLE!! In the same four-poster bed I slept in last summer. But...
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From Milk to Cheese
How is cheese made? Follow its amazing journey from cow’s milk to the delicious cheese we enjoy on Shavuos.
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From Me to You
Bump down the trail with Yossi on the most unforgettable Chol HaMoed hike. Discover friendships, both lost and found, with Nechy. Take...
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B.Y. High #1 Shani Plus Three
It’s happening. It’s really happening. Shani Baum, Raizy Segal, and all their friends from Bais Yaakov are ready to embark on their greatest...
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Shining Lights #3
Stories of tzaddikim warm our hearts, enlighten our minds and awaken our souls. They are like precious diamonds, handed down from...
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Shining Lights #2
Stories of tzaddikim warm our hearts, enlighten our minds and awaken our souls. They are like precious diamonds, handed down from...
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The Mystery in the Warehouse
“I don’t have a school,” Shimmel said. “We moved here before Pesach...and none of the schools had room.”“We’ve got to...
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It Takes a Village
The people of Middos Village are wonderful, but they really need to work on their middos! The problem is that...
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Adventure in the Amazon #3
In the Amazon, the largest rainforest on earth, rare and dangerous creatures live side by side with primitive, savage tribes....
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The Man at the Wall
Rav Meir Schuster was very shy. But he knew he had to help all the lost Jews he saw at...
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Bank Robbers Don't Say Please
Bank robbers don’t say please, but we sure hope you do! Why do kids need to learn about manners, anyway?...
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Let's Meet a Firefighter
What does a firefighter do? Let's spend some time with a firefighter as he puts out a fire and rescues...
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24 Hours #2
24 Hours is the story of a desperate race against the clock that takes place across continents and in far-off countries....
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24 Hours #1
24 Hours is the story of a desperate race against the clock that takes place across continents and in far-off countries....
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Adventure in the Amazon #2
In the Amazon, the largest rainforest on earth, rare and dangerous creatures live side by side with primitive, savage tribes....
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Adventure in the Amazon #1
In the Amazon, the largest rainforest on earth, rare and dangerous creatures live side by side with primitive, savage tribes....
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Wonderful Weeds
Everyone complains about the weeds in their garden. But what exactly is a weed? And how can you tell the difference...
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Vital Vitamins!
Vitamins aren’t really part of the mineral kingdom, but as they are often listed together with minerals as some of the...
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The Dawn Chorus
If you’ve ever woken up very, very early in the morning, you’ve probably heard the wonderful sound of the birds singing,...
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Reservoirs - Man's Water Reserves
Water is one of Earth’s most precious resources. Over time, mankind has learned how to gather and preserve this precious resource in...
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Measuring Time
For many centuries, man has needed to know the time. And we haven’t always had digital watches and cell phones to...
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A Bit Prickly
Hedgehogs might be a bit prickly, but they are awfully cute! Let’s find out some fun facts about these odd little...
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Flight of the Doves
Thirteen-year-old Bayla Karmel adores her close-knit family and their idyllic life in 1930s Warsaw. When her cousin desperately needs her...
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Green, Green Grass
Grass is all around us, but do we ever give it a thought? There’s actually a lot of interesting information to...
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Gazing into Space
The universe may be infinite, but on a clear night, even we, tiny humans here on Earth, can see a good...
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The Mineral Kingdom #8 Castles in the Sand
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Mineral Kingdom #7 Perfectly Pure Pearls
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Mineral Kingdom #6 Lovely Lead
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Mineral Kingdom #5 Magnificent Marble
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Mineral Kingdom #4 Salt of the Earth
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Mineral Kingdom #3 Precious Stones
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Mineral Kingdom #2 Precious Metals
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Mineral Kingdom #1 Gorgeous Gold!
Our world is blessed with many precious stones and metals as well as lots of other stones, metals, and minerals, each...
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The Plant Kingdom #9 Weird and Wonderful Plants
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #8 Bamboo the Wonder Plant
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #7 Fabulous Figs
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #6 Tremendous Tea
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #5 Roses Are Red
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #4 Super Sugar!
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #3 Really Nutty!
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #2 The Not So Humble Potato
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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The Plant Kingdom #1 We Want Wheat!
Plants don’t just mean pretty flowers. The world of plants includes so many fantastic fruits and vegetables too — and many...
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Elchanan and Ruthi Meet Surprise Land
Surprise Land is a special placebrimming with surprises. It's filled with gifts that you can take like toys and games and...
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Double Secret in Qasir
Saadia HaLevi escapes from a Moslem orphanage in Yemen and meets… Saadia HaLevi who has also escaped from a Moslem orphanage. The...
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Elazar Visits the Land of Right Now
In this fascinating book, your child will join Elazar on his trip to the land of Right Now, a land where you can...
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Friendship Farm
What could be better than a long visit to a farm to see all the animals? For Leibedik, the most original...
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Benjy Finds the Way
In the Touro Shul of New Port, Rhode Island, strange things are underfoot. Benjy tries to solve the mystery of who...
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Shining Lights #1
Stories of tzaddikim warm our hearts, enlighten our minds and awaken our souls. They are like precious diamonds, handed down from...
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Shimmy's Magical Visit to Shareland
Three-year-old Shimmy is a really big boy. He has payos and a kippah and he loves to play with toys....
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Never Alone
Luis is sent to a boarding school for children, far from his home and family. There he finds insulting, derisive...
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Shabbos with Our Chocolate Moose
Why did Akiva’s mother make him a hand-sewn moose instead of something more typical like a teddy bear? The answer...
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Man and the Universe #9 Mining Earth's Hidden Treasures
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #8 Discovering the Secrets of the Deep Sea
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #7 Whatever the Weather...
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #6 Zones of Time
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #5 Latitude and Longitude - Marking the Spot
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #4 Mapping the Globe
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #3 Satellites in Space
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #2 Harnessing the Sun's Energy
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Man and the Universe #1 NASA - Discovering the Universe
The universe is a huge, baffling place to live in, and yet mankind has made enormous steps towards understanding and...
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Forces of Nature #7 Bacteria - A Miniature World
Living organisms are made up of lots of cells, and bacteria are about the smallest type of living organism there is,...
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Forces of Nature #6 Wonderful Wind
Warm air rises, as it weighs less than cooler air. Then, the cold air moves in to take the place...
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Forces of Nature #5 A Stormy Experience
Thunderstorms are happening all the time, but we are not aware of them all. At any given moment, there is...
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Forces of Nature #4 Sounds Good!
Sound is actually a form of energy like electricity and light. It's made when molecules vibrate in a pattern of...
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Forces of Nature #3 Waves of Light
Even scientists can't define light exactly, as it does so many different things and comes in so many different forms....
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #9 Seasons of the Year
Throughout the year, our planet experiences drastic changes of weather known as seasons. But what exactly are the seasons, and why do...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #8 Fantastic Forests
Forests may seem silent and peaceful when we enter them, but that’s only because all the wildlife is hiding from us!...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #7 All the Colors of the Rainbow
Rainbows are very beautiful — and for many cultures were a thing of wonder and fear before it was understood what...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #6 Amazing Ice
Ice, the solid form water takes when it’s frozen to below 32°F, is in plentiful supply in the world. About a...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #5 Caves - An Underground World
What is a cave? Ask a speleologist (someone who studies caves), and he’ll tell you that a cave is defined...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #4 Secrets of the Jungle
Generally, a jungle is an area of thick growth that is hard to walk through which are usually found in...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #3 Volcanoes - Erupting Earth
Volcanoes may be an awesome sight to watch, but they can also cause an immense amount of damage. Not only...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #2 Dramatic Deserts
What exactly is a desert? A hot, sandy, dry place, right? Not necessarily. The official definition of a desert is a...
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The Wonders of Planet Earth #1 Awesome Oceans
It’s hard to imagine how immense the oceans are. 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. The World...
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The Animal Kingdom #10 Endangered Species
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #9 A Long Winter Sleep - Hibernation
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #8 Natural Mothers?
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #7 Feeding Time!
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #6 Caterpillars, Cocoons, and Chrysalises
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #5 Frankly Fantastic Fish!
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #4 Monsters of the Deep
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #3 Very Important Vultures
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #2 The Gentle Giants - Elephants
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Animal Kingdom #1 Awesome Ants
From the tiniest insects to the greatest of beasts, every animal is absolutely unique and a wonder in itself. Here we...
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The Golden Gate
California, here we come! On their way home from school one day, Bracha and Sara realize that they’re being followed....
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6th-Grade Conspiracies
The sixth-grade class is about to explode! The sixth graders are flying! Beryl Bukiet desperately tries to dodge the boy...
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Ezra's Secret
What is Ezra hiding? When Sam and Miriam Cohen agree to foster a troubled boy with a criminal history for...
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Our Incredible Universe #5 By the Light of the Moon
The pale light of the Moon may seem to be insignificant compared to the Sun’s vivid glow. But the Moon plays a...
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Our Incredible Universe #4 Planet Earth
We don’t give much thought to the ground we’re standing on — it’s just there. But if we think about it, we...
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Our Incredible Universe #3 Mysterious Mars
So far, no humans have ever landed on Mars. But we have already learned a good deal about the mysterious “Red Planet.”
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Our Incredible Universe #2 Sun, Glorious Sun!
For us on Planet Earth, the Sun is the source of all life. But in the infinite universe, it’s just one...
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Our Incredible Universe #1 What's in Space
Apart from astronauts, what is actually up there in space? Apart from the sun, the moon, and the stars which we can...
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Truth or Dare
How dare they? Outgoing fourteen-year-old Raizy Roth had it all: two amazing BFFs and a carefree social life. But when...
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Four Seasons with Madame Chamberlaine
Madame Chamberlaine is always in season! Runaway bird invading the classroom? Got only half a haircut at the hairdresser? Lost...
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Jump Right In #5 Swimming After Eating
It’s sweltering hot outside, and all you want to do is jump in the pool. Or you’re in camp, and...
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Jump Right In #4 Different Strokes for Different Folks
It’s sweltering hot outside, and all you want to do is jump in the pool. Or you’re in camp, and...
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Jump Right In #3 What Type Is It?
It’s sweltering hot outside, and all you want to do is jump in the pool. Or you’re in camp, and...
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Jump Right In #2 Keep That Water Clean
It’s sweltering hot outside, and all you want to do is jump in the pool. Or you’re in camp, and...
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Jump Right In #1 Way Back When
It’s sweltering hot outside, and all you want to do is jump in the pool. Or you’re in camp, and...
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Fruity Fun #5 How to Dry Your Own Fruit
They’re sweet, healthy, and low-prep. It’s no wonder dried fruits are favorite snacks in many households. Have you ever wondered what goes...
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Fruity Fun #4 Healthy Facts
They’re sweet, healthy, and low-prep. It’s no wonder dried fruits are favorite snacks in many households. Have you ever wondered what goes...
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Fruity Fun #3 Check Out These Varieties
They’re sweet, healthy, and low-prep. It’s no wonder dried fruits are favorite snacks in many households. Have you ever wondered what goes...
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Fruity Fun #2 Drying Methods, Ancient and Modern
They’re sweet, healthy, and low-prep. It’s no wonder dried fruits are favorite snacks in many households. Have you ever wondered what goes...
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Fruity Fun #1 A Look Back in History
They’re sweet, healthy, and low-prep. It’s no wonder dried fruits are favorite snacks in many households. Have you ever wondered what goes...
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Who Wears a Yarmulke?
Who Wears a Yarmulke? Join Yudi as he searches for just the right spot to put his yarmulke. Listen to...
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Easy as Pie
Why did Levi put his shoes on the wrong feet? How will garlic croutons ease the pain of a fractured...
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The B.Y. Times #17 Starting Over
Who’s running the B.Y. Times? Not Chani Kaufman. A new school year has begun, and Chani is off to high...
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There's a Frog on My Stage
A BRIGHT SUN is shining on a hot summer day. My friends are all gathered for the world’s greatest play....
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“Why was I blessed with the sloppiest twin in the universe?” Shmuli complained. “And why am I stuck with a...
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Rafi Rooster
If you want to have a good time, Rafi is your rooster! But what happens when Rafi is put in...
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Danger at Ramoni Manor
Eli dipped the paddle into the inky depths. Three minutes later, an awful gale erupted, veering the wooden boat off...
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From Ram to Shofar
How is a shofar made? Follow its amazing journey from a ram roaming in a field to a shofar blown on...
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The Summer Everything Changed
It’s great to be positive. But there’s real danger in pretending, when you know in your heart that everything is...
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The Baker's Dozen #17: No Room for Bakers!
Once there was a family. Their name was Baker. They had many children.Twelve of them…until now… Now there’s one more...
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Me and Uncle Baruch
In this sensitively written story, a young boy learns how to deal with a loved one who is affected by mental...
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Yarmulkes for Sale
Once there was a traveling salesman selling yarmulkes on top of his head! So begins the delightful tale of Yarmulkes...
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Who’s stealing Zeidy’s heirlooms? Twelve-year-old Yehuda Greenman loves playing soccer and hanging out with his friends at the park. When...
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The Lost Island
Shipwreck!!! When their ship is attacked, Tuvia is suddenly separated from his family. He’s rescued by the ambitious Captain Alex,...
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Faigy & Feivel 2: The Flying Popcorn Tip-off
Who will win?  Faigy A scavenger hunt with amazing prizes! Plane tickets to anywhere in the United States. Me, on an...
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You're Joking...Again!
Q: Why do fish live in salt water?A: Because pepper makes them sneeze. Q: Why did the girl smear peanut...
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A New Song
Everyone has their own song. But Melody never seems to be in tune with anybody else in the tiny Midwestern...
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The Scheme Team
What will Levi think of next?A Diet Coke–Mento explosion? An automatic spoon-feeding birthday cake? A stroller pulled by magnets? No idea is...
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It's Wednesday Again
A fresh, new start…again. And again? Temi Feldman was an ambitious teen with a bright future, until a frightening accident...
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Was that explosion from the secret lab in the basement? Boring Sundale, home to cows, corn, and the Second-to-Largest Ball...
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Escape from Hurricane Katrina
The city of New Orleans is in danger. A huge hurricane is on its way. The Rivkin family must decide whether...
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Mystery at Nightlight Resort
“Make sure you stay out of trouble…” Nine-year-old twins Ari and Tova Berg are looking forward to spending Pesach at...
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The B.Y. Times #18 Who's Who?
There’s good news and bad news in Chavi Marks’s house. The good news? The Marks family is making a bar...
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Please Be Polite
What if some kangaroos happen to call and come with their scooters, jump ropes, and balls and trample the garden...
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Bird's-Eye View
What could go wrong in such a peaceful place? Sruly and Moishy are about to find out. The Rosen boys’...
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And the Winner Is...Who Goes the Longest without Water in the Desert
Who goes the longest without water in the desert? Is it a camel? An elephant? Maybe it’s a toad or...
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And the Winner Is...Who Is the Longest Living Insect on Earth?
Who is the longest living insect on earth? Is it a beetle? An ant? Maybe it’s a housefly or a...
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And the Winner Is...Who Is the Loudest Animal in the World
Who is the loudest animal in the world? Is it a blue whale? An alligator? Maybe a lion or a...
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And the Winner Is...Who Is the Strongest Animal in the Forest?
WHO IS THE STRONGEST ANIMAL IN THE FOREST? Is it a grizzly bear? A gorilla? Maybe it’s a tiger or an...
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And the Winner Is...Who Lives the Highest in the Mountains
Who lives the highest in the mountains? Is it a snake? A brown bear? Maybe it’s a snow leopard or...
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And the Winner Is...Who Hunts Deepest in the Ocean?
Is it a dolphin? A shark? Maybe it’s a whale or a squid? Perhaps a lantern fish? In this intriguing...
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The Way It Was: In the Old West
What was life like in the Old West? In the mid- to late- 1800s, thousands of people went out West...
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The Way It Was: During the Great Depression
What was life like during the Great Depression? The 1930s were a difficult time for everyone. The stock market crashed,...
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The Way it Was: During the Colonial Times
What was life like during colonial times? The first Jewish settlers in colonial America arrived in 1654. They came by...
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The Way it Was: On the Lower East Side
What was life like on the Lower East Side? From 1890 to 1920 millions of Jewish immigrants settled in New...
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The B.Y. Times #16 Babysitting Blues
Run a mini day camp during Pesach vacation! It’s a way to earn some money, do some chesed, and have...
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Anything Can Happen
Remarkable things happen when you aim a little higher, try a little harder. When you’re not afraid to reach for...
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The Secret Diary
A snowy Shabbaton, a hidden diary, and a lost daughter… Bracha, Sara, and their classmates are thrilled to be invited...
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The Baker's Dozen #16: Baker's Best
Once there was a family. Their name was Baker. They had many children. Twelve of them. The Baker’s Dozen.Life is...
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The Way It Was: During the Civil War
What was life like during the Civil War? From 1861 to 1865 the United States was at war—against itself—as the...
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The Fortieth Stone
Yossi and Feivish are twins and best friends. Besides their matching beards and identical clothes, they learn Torah together in...
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Traffic Jam Hero
What happens when a truck filled with babka and strudel gets stuck under a bridge? Will young Shloimy be able...
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The Hole Truth
“We checked the whole drawer, the whole desk. The certificate has disappeared. It would be simplest if you just tell...
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Méxican Ransom
Sold Out
Shua and Mimi Berkman are relaxing in their mansion in Mexico City when they are told the tragic news that...
Laibel's Libel
“I just have this feeling, Laibel. I don’t know why, but I’m scared.” “Nothing is going to happen, Sarah. We...
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Spring & Summer with Avi & Chavi - Coloring Book
Say hello to Avi & Chavi. Chavi is sweet, kindhearted and ready for new friendships. She'll always be seen in...
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Back to School with Avi & Chavi - Coloring Book
Say hello to Avi & Chavi, Chavi is sweet, kindhearted and ready for new friendships. She'll always be seen in...
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Menucha for Menucha
Menucha loves to jump rope and play make-believe. But when she doesn’t get her way, a big storm cloud appears....
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Let's Play Dreidel
Clap, play, and giggle as you spin the dreidel, light the menorah, and fill the plate with latkes! Inspired by...
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The Time Savers
Time is running out! Shaya and Zalman are having a normal day when suddenly they meet their future selves! In...
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Holding On
It’s hard to let go…Aviva Meyers is an outgoing, ultra-popular teen. Michali, her artistic and introverted twin sister, was her...
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Thirteen-year-old Yitzy Blackton loves riding his bike, flying his super-cool kite — and being the center of attention. But all...
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Passport to Russia
Get ready for a passport to adventure! On her very first day of ninth grade, Bracha meets Sara, a mischievous...
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The B.Y. Times #15 Secrets!
Mazal tov! Mazal tov! The caterers in Bloomfield had better get busy. There are a lot of celebrations being planned....
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Chaos in the Kitchen
Who’s ruining all the cakes?  Eleven-year-old Yitz Levine doesn’t mind putting up posters for his sisters’ bake sale because he...
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Moishy's Awesome Discovery
Moishy Goldman is always on time, does all his homework, and gets straight A’s. But when Zevi Weinberg asks him for...
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The B.Y. Times #14 Nechama on Strike!
As student council president and honorary member of the B.Y. Times staff, Chinky feels snowed under with work. So when...
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Are secrets meant to be kept? Supersleuth Yael Reed is back! She’s newly married and is now Yael Yair. Students...
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The Achdus Club #5: On the Move
“Ruthie, you seem really upset. Are you okay?” “Okay?” Ruthie turned to glare at Shoshi. “How would you feel about...
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The Baker's Dozen #15: Sorry About That
Once there was a family. Their name was Baker. They had many children. Twelve of them. The Baker’s Dozen. It’s back-to-school...
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Shimmy's Magic Kite
Join the fun and come Along the Way With Shimmy Ray! Shimmy Ray tries to help his friend Motty find...
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Shimmy and the Lost Cap
Shimmy Ray’s friend Rafi has a cap his grandpa bought him. When the cap suddenly disappears, Shimmy and his gang are determined to search through a puddle...
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Shimmy's Clean Up Plan
Join the fun and come Along the Way With Shimmy Ray! Shimmy Ray's friend Rafi has a cap his grandpa...
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Shimmy's Blue Watch
Join the fun and come Along the Way With Shimmy Ray! Shimmy Ray's dream comes true when he wins a...
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Children's Stories About Chessed
Children can step into reading with The Children's Learning Series! The Children's Learning Series, for ages five to nine, introduces...
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Penina Farina and the Humongous Snowstorm
A giant blizzard is on the way... Penina Farina is a fun and friendly third-grader who speaks a little too...
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Meet the Milsteins
Watch what happens when Mommy gives the Milstein kids diaries…Malky: “I realize that I can have a real impact on...
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Here I Am The Story of Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Esther was a young girl in Brooklyn, New York. She wanted to show her neighbors what Shabbos was. As she...
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The table started to shake. “Mommy, do you think it’s an…” Uri began.“Earthquake!” Mrs. Freund said. “Quick, under the table!”...
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The B.Y. Times #13 Flying High
Far away, in Zurich, Switzerland, lies Mimie Gold, a young girl badly hurt in an accident. The doctors aren’t sure...
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Regards from Abroad
Seminary. The magic word with the power to instill nervous anticipation among seniors everywhere. I, of course, was no exception. Seventeen-year-old...
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Journey on the C&O Canal
Gabe walked over to the head mule, trying not to feel each little poke of rock on his feet. “Let’s...
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A Bridge in Time
“Tante Chava said not to go on the bridge when it’s raining,” Tuvie warned me. Suddenly, lightning slashed the sky....
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Secrets of Ramoni Manor
“Look! The curtains are waving!” Eli pointed to the attic window. “Any wind would cause those curtains to sway,” said...
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And the Winner Is...Who Is the Fastest Bird in the Sky?
Is it a robin? A hummingbird? Maybe it’s a rock dove or a falcon. Perhaps a golden eagle? In this...
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Popcorn with the President and Jelly Eli Z.
Appropriate for Grades 4-5 Eli Zipperbaum, better known as Jelly Eli Z., doesn’t mind going to the corner grocery to...
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Mrs. Recha Sternbuch: Rescuer of Refugees
During World War II, many Jews from Germany, Austria, and France tried to flee from the Nazis and reach safety...
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The B.Y. Times #12 Talking It Over
News flash: The Chinn twins are no longer identical! Pinky discovers that she’s eight whole pounds heavier than her sister!...
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Mysterious Messages
Something mysterious is happening in Pineville... When spunky sixteen-year-olds Bracha and Sara spot a “For Sale” sign outside their friend...
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Above the Crowd
“Sruly, you’re back already? How was the performance?”“It was fine.” Sruly ripped open a bag of chips. “I rushed home...
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The Ruby Spy Ring
It is the winter of 1811. With the excitement of her elder sister's wedding now behind her, a restless Rebecca...
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The Baker's Dozen #14: Summer Jobs
Summertime’s fun time—but not if you have “nothing to do. ”That’s Bracha Baker’s problem, until Mrs. Baker comes up with...
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Layla's Sugarland Winter
Sold Out
Dear Diary, You are never, ever going to guess where I am! SUGARLAND!! Home of the ice pop water slide...
Exploring Tehillim: An Elucidation of the Eternal Song of the Jewish Soul
Which perek of Tehillim was written on Dovid Hamelech's shield? What does the word Sela mean? Which chapter is referred...
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Back In Print
Dark Tapestry
“Missing kid down golders green” The sergeant reported. “Probably nothing.” Detective Inspector Colin Sommers looked up. “Put the call through.”...
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The B.Y. Times #11 Dollars and Sense
Vacation is coming up, and the B.Y. Timesers are determined to make an unforgettable New York City trip. The only...
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The Case of the Unfair Science Fair
Eleven-year-old Shimmy Stern loves solving mysteries. He won’t take on any new cases right now — he’s got to win...
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Turf Wars
Where is Yonah Katz? Yonah Katz, an unassuming bookkeeper, has disappeared. In the frantic search to find him, his son...
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Rav Aharon Kotler: Builder of the Torah World
Across an ocean, a terrible war raged. And in America, many Jewish people had strayed far from Torah. Who would...
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The Little Black Box 3-in-1 Thrillogy
Part 1: Top Secret by Libby Lazewnik Part 2: The Second Secret by Libby Lazewnik Part 3: The Secret Revealed by Pearl...
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The Baker's Dozen #13 Something's Fishy
Summer’s here, and the Bakers are planning something different. The Baker boys and their sisters have very different ideas about what...
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The B.Y. Times #10 The New Kids
To editor-in-chief Chani Kaufman’s dismay, her new assistant is so anxious to make a good impression that she quickly earns...
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The Mystery of the Lost Watch
Ten-year-old Yudi Levy and his older brother, Shua, are shocked to discover a precious gold pocket watch at snowy Mount...
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Escape from Belgium
Belgium, 1940 During World War II, Belgium, like the rest of Europe, is a dangerous place for Jews. The Berkovitses have become...
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The B.Y. Times #9 Here We Go Again!
It’s Chani Kaufman’s first month on the job, and she’s scared! As if being editor-in-chief of the B.Y. Times weren’t hard enough, Chani...
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The Baker's Dozen #12: The Baker Family Circus (Super-Special)
A bas mitzvah is a joyous event. So a quintuple bas mitzvah should be five times as happy, right? Then...
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"My stomach jumps with anxiety. I have to make choir - I just have to! That feeling of being up there...
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Escape from Syria
Syria in the 1970s is a dangerous place for Jews. Beatings, pogroms, and arrests are terrifying the community. Zaki wants...
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Three Cheers for Madame Chamberlaine
Sold Out
Locked in the zoo with creepy creatures? Chasing a sea captain in a wobbly motorboat? Stuck on a skidding bus...
The B.Y. Times #8 Summer Daze
The B.Y. Timesers are off to camp!Camp means swimming, art, and punchball.Camp means hikes, plays, and campfires.Camp means...problems. Problems for...
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The Life and Limericks of Moishy Mittleman
The morning after midwinter vacation, I made an important decision: I, Moishy Mittleman, was not going back to school. I figured...
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Wherever You Are
Eighteen-year-old Megan Ashby leaves behind her comfortable life in California, her lavish house, and hired help, for a year abroad...
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Secrets in Disguise
Fraidy Mintz has been harboring a dark and dangerous secret for over sixty years. One day she reveals it to...
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Don't Thank Me
Bubby gives Yehuda some yummy Vanilla Bean Crunch ice cream. When he thanks her, Bubby says, “Don’t thank me...” Who should...
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Make Way for Faigy & Feivel
Oh, Brother! Faigy My younger brother Feivel is so annoying. He spots the weirdest things on road trips, tosses toys...
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Mister Lister (Paperback)
A fun-filled story for younger readers. Reuven could hear the shouts of the children through the open windows. He wished he were...
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Escape from Hungary
Hungary in the 1950s is a difficult place for Jews to live. The country is run by communists who prevent...
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Escape from the Neve Tzuf Fire
Israel, November 2016 The small, friendly community of Neve Tzuf, Israel, is suddenly thrust into danger. The weather is dry and windy....
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The B.Y. Times #7 Changing Times
The school year is ending. What comes next for the B.Y. Times? Chinky has to choose between two ambitions. Nechama...
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The Feldman Five #1 Underground Adventure
“You know that house you’re staying in is very old. It’s said to have secret passageways leading to hidden underground...
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The Baker's Dozen #11: The Do-Gooders
What do you get when you put together:• Five sisters and two brothers determined to out-chesed each other• One older...
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From Wood to Sefer
How is a sefer made? Follow its amazing journey from trees in a forest to a sefer we can read.
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The Runaway
Who is the mysterious Danny Gold who shows up one day and rescues Joey Bergson from a bully? He’s eager...
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The B.Y. Times #6 Party Time
Sold Out
When the Chinns throw a fabulous catered bas mitzvah party, it's a tough act for Chani Kaufman to follow. How...
Yitzy Aims High
Seven-year-old Yitzy wants to kiss the mezuzah on the doorpost, but it’s way too high. His friends try to help him,...
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Solution Champs
Emotional intelligence (EQ) means knowing how to transform emotional pain into spiritual gain. Children develop their EQ by seeing how...
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Doodle War
Can doodling in class really break up a friendship? Chana Mirel Goodman is a fun-loving fifth grader who forgets to...
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Princess of Hashem
Sold Out
I am a princess of Hashem: Would you like to be a princess too? Come along, just follow me! I'll...
A Yom Tov Book of Poems
When Rabbi Reuven Bauman wrote a manuscript of Yom Tov poems for children, it was his fervent wish to find a...
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The Baker's Dozen #10: Do Not Disturb
The problem with being a quintuplet is that you never get your own birthday party — or your own room. When...
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Making the Grade
Making the Grade “I got a hundred,” Leah bragged, “how about you?”“I’d r-r-rather not s-s-s-say,” Shiffy stammered. She felt her...
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The B.Y. Times #5 Spring Fever
the B.Y. Times Raizy is not the only one of the B.Y. Times’ staffers who is unhappy. Red-haired, impetuous Nechama...
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Normal Like Me
Who is the normal one? After a bitter divorce and custody battle, Sarah feels lost and alone. Her own relatives...
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Name the Stars
Sold Out
Every star has its special name… Fifteen-year-old Alec Paszternak and his nine-year-old brother, Yos, have survived the devastating war in Europe—but...
Faraway Summer
“I don’t want to live with strangers. I want to stay right here,” I said. “Think how sick you were all winter...
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The Baker's Dozen #9: Through Thick and Thin
Moishy Baker knows a secret: his father is going bankrupt—or so Moishy thinks. The Baker kids are determined to save...
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The B.Y. Times #4 War!
When Batya Ben-Levi, the B.Y. Times’ good-natured distribution manager, leaves on a long-awaited trip to Eretz Yisrael, she just knows...
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Shorty Schwartz
Dovi Schwartz is the shortest boy in second grade. If only he were taller, life would be so much better. Or would it?...
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Good as Gold
Some treasures are more precious than gold. When twelve-year-old Yosef Gold leaves his Polish hometown for Pikes Peak, he has big dreams of...
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One Yellow Daffodil
Morris Kaplan sells only the freshest and prettiest flowers in his shop. But he remembers a time long ago, when...
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The Baker's Dozen #8 Hey Waiter!
Once there was a family. Their name was Baker. They had many children. Twelve of them. The Baker’s Dozen. The...
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The Wedding Dance
“This paper is so fancy!” Shulamis said. “I can’t believe Morah Steiner sent us our own invitations!”“Morah Steiner just left us,”...
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The B.Y. Times #3 Twins in Trouble
Shani Baum, editor in chief of the B.Y. Times, expects great things when she receives an invitation to a special convention for...
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If you can't trust family...who can you trust? Supersleuth Yael Reed, finally reunited with her dad, a well-connected undercover agent,...
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No Day without Torah
Rav Meir Shapiro was a great Torah scholar of the last century. He had a dream. He wanted to organize Torah...
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The B.Y. Times #2 Batya's Search
Put out the welcome mat — the Russians are coming to Bais Yaakov of Bloomfield! There’s excitement in store when three...
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From Hive to Honey
A terrific introduction to science for early readers. How is honey made? Follow its amazing journey from bees in a...
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The B.Y. Times #1 Shani's Scoop
What do you do if you’re beginning eighth grade and things seem…well, boring? What if you want something new to tackle, an...
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Mister Lister Strikes Again
“No!” Reuven cried. He tried to mop up the water, but the paper fell apart.Mr. Bookman brought paper towels. “What...
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From Wax to Candles
A terrific introduction to science for early readers. How are candles made? Follow their amazing journey from hot oil in...
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The Mystery of the Empty House
“It’s about Rabbi Bergman, who disappeared,” Lemel told the policewoman. “We think we found a clue.” The policewoman sighed. “You...
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The B.Y. Times' Kid Sisters 10-12
Sarah Chinn, Naomi Kaufman, Rivky Segal, Melissa Farber and Debby Kaplan have a lot in common. They’re all fourth graders...
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From Wool to Tallis
A terrific introduction to science for early readers. How is a tallis made? Follow its amazing journey from a sheep grazing...
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Let's Meet a Chaveirim Member
How does Chaveirim help people? Let’s spend some time with Chaveirim members as they change a flat tire and help a...
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Gift Card
Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a Menucha...
Surprise, Surprise with Jelly Eli Z.
Appropriate for Grades 4-5 Jelly Eli is on a search... Eli Zipperbaum, known by his friends as Jelly Eli Z.,...
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Close Call
An upbeat, action-packed adventure for girls Michal put her hand on the doorknob. She turned to Adda. “You have to...
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The B.Y. Times' Kid Sisters 7-9
Meet the Kid Sisters. They're great friends — most of the time. Sarah Chinn, Naomi Kaufman, Rivky Segal, and Melissa...
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Ever-Clever Elisa
Get ready for another adventure with the lovable Elisa! Elisa is in first grade, a grade with a number, not...
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From Vine to Grape Juice
A terrific introduction to science for early readers. How is grape juice made? Follow its amazing journey from grapes growing on a...
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The Free and the Brave
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A magnificent tale of historical fiction for kids “Those British are coming this way. Eight thousand troops.” “Eight thousand?” Jacob...
The Baker's Dozen #7: Ima, Come Home
Volume 7 of the best-selling series, now back in print! Ima’s got a WHAT???There’s news in the Baker family. Big...
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Adina at Her Best
Adina Ben Ami is a fun and friendly fourth grader — who blurts out her thoughts, bothers her brother, and...
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From Olives to Olive Oil
A terrific introduction to science for early readers How is olive oil made? Follow its amazing journey from an olive...
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From Wheat to Challah
A terrific introduction to science for early readers Where does challah come from? Follow its amazing journey from a kernel...
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Escape from the USSR
A Russian refusenik's story of survival The USSR is a dangerous place to be openly Jewish. Zev and Carmela Raiz...
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Let's Meet a Sofer
Our Community is a series with engaging photographs, written in question-and-answer format. Children will be fascinated to read about and...
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Let's Meet a Hatzalah Member
How does Hatzalah help people? Let’s spend some time with a Hatzalah member as he answers a call for help...
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It Happened in Vilna
The story of the hidden library Once there was a library filled with Jewish books. Many people came to read...
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It Happened in Prague
The story of the Old-New Shul Many years ago a new shul was built in Prague. People called it the...
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It Happened in Cairo
The story of the great genizah What happens when Jewish books get too torn to use anymore? They are stored...
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Lady Amelie Jakobovits
The story of Lady Amélie Jakobovits, Queen of Kindness In Paris, France, war was raging. Amélie Munk and her family...
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The Montefiores
Champions of the Jewish People In the Land of Israel, Jews were very poor. They lived in crowded and dangerous...
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Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schonfeld
The story of the hero of the Kindertransport In Germany and Austria, many Jewish people were in danger. They needed...
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Upon the Wings of an Eagle
A fascinating journey spanning cultures and continents A bright full moon appeared in the dark sky. Then suddenly they heard...
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The Case of the Disappearing Chanukah Candles
An upbeat and uproarious adventure story for kids There’s something funny about this case. Mrs. Rabinovitz lives all alone, so...
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Escape from Iran
Two Jewish girls' story of survival Iran in the 1980s has become a dangerous place for Jews to live. Twin...
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Sarah Builds a School
The Life of Sarah Schenirer Sarah Schenirer lived in Kraków, Poland. When she was growing up, there were no Jewish...
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Layla's Vistaville Summer
An upbeat adventure for girls Dear Diary, Well, I’m on the plane. I don’t want to be on the plane,...
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Escape to Shanghai
The Mir Yeshiva's story of survival Poland in the late 1930s has become a very dangerous place for Jews. Isaac...
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The B.Y. Times' Kid Sisters 4-6
Meet the Kid Sisters. Three great kids. Three great stories. Sarah wants a roommate. But then her cousin Gitty moves...
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Elisa in the Middle
In the middle of all the action, you'll find Elisa! Elisa Michaels is just trying to help… Elisa has a...
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Make Room for Elisa
Elisa's life is always on the move. Elisa Michaels’s life is about to change... Elisa is sure she won’t embarrass...
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The Baker's Dozen #6: Trapped!
Volume 6 of the best-selling series, now back in print! It’s an ordinary Friday afternoon in Bloomfield…or is it? In...
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The B.Y. Times' Kid Sisters 1-3
Meet the Kid Sisters. Three great kids. Three great stories. Sarah has a problem. She can’t read or write. She...
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Welcome Back, Madame Chamberlaine
Madame Chamberlaine is back! Hopelessly lost in the mountains? Caught in a Chanukah party blackout? On an eerie overnight in...
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Yossi of Nigeria
Come accompany Yossi through his interesting life in the country of Nigeria. Watch the role he happily fulfills as a...
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It Happened in Soncino
The story of the famous printing press Six hundred years ago books were written by hand. The work was slow...
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Rabbi Avraham Blumenthal: Father of Orphans
The story of Rabbi A.Y. Blumenthal, father of the Zion Orphanage During World War I, so many children in Jerusalem...
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E is for Elisa
Life with Elisa is full of surprises. Elisa Michaels is not a crybaby. Her brother Russell says she is, but...
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Yael Reed has a new case. This time it’s personal. Supersleuth Yael Reed was abandoned as a baby and left...
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Hanna's Harvest
A historical novel for teens If only Hanna Farber was good at something! Her pinafores are dirty, her needlework is...
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The Baker's Dozen #5: The Inside Story
Volume 5 of the best-selling series, now back in print! News flash! Cousin Yanky from Baltimore is coming to stay...
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Yanky's Amazing Discovery
A first-of-its-kind book for young readers Yanky Rosen is having a hard time in yeshivah. The Gemara is too hard,...
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F Is for Friendship
A fun-filled story for younger readers. The power’s out, and the chocolate mousse cups are melting—all two hundred of them!...
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Avi for President
An enjoyable story for young readers about elections and true friendship. Avi is a leader, so he’s sure he’ll be...
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Word Fun for Everyone
Kosher Word Games Q: How many words can you make from the letters of BREAD? Q: How many words can...
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An exciting historical novel of shifting fates and fortunes. After discovering her uncle’s devious plan, fifteen-year-old Raizel Golden is forced...
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A Baseball Problem for Jelly Eli Z.
Appropriate for Grades 4-5 Will Jelly Eli win the game? Eli Zipperbaum, known to all as Jelly Eli Z., joins...
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The Baker's Dozen #4: Stars in Their Eyes
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Volume 4 of the best-selling series, now back in print! The Baker quintuplets have stars in their eyes—or rather, one...
A Pizza Contest for Jelly Eli Z.
Appropriate for Grades 4-5 Something strange is happening to Jelly Eli... Eli Zipperbaum, known by his friends as Jelly Eli...
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Teacher Troubles for Jelly Eli Z.
Appropriate for Grades 4-5 Is Jelly Eli in trouble? Eli Zipperbaum, better known as Jelly Eli Z., is a great...
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Penina Pinkowitz and the Summer Situation
Meet the hilarious Penina Pinkowitz! A great read for kids. Penina Pinkowitz is not a happy camper!“Penina,” Mrs. Pinkowitz said....
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Me, My Dog, and the Birthday Mystery
An entertaining mystery for young readersAaron's bike is missing, but the lock wasn't broken. Danny and My Dog follow a...
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Me, My Dog, and the Key Mystery
An entertaining mystery for young readers Danny's sister Sarah has lost her house key. Danny and My Dog set off...
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The Accident
A fun-filled story for younger readers. “You promise you’ll tell me?” Shulamis asked.“Yes, but you’re not going to be happy.”...
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Surprise! and other stories
A book of fantastic short stories for teens Temima was fun, popular, and smart. When did she become the class...
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The Baker's Dozen #3: And the Winner Is...
Volume 3 of the best-selling series, now back in print! Once there was a family. Their name was Baker. They...
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The Baker's Dozen #2: Ghosthunters!
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Volume 2 of the best-selling series, now back in print! Once there was a family. Their name was Baker. They...
The Baker's Dozen #1: On Our Own
Volume 1 of the best-selling series, now back in print! Once there was a family. Their name was Baker. They...
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Me, My Dog, and the Homework Mystery
An entertaining mystery for young readers Where is Michael's homework? Michael’s sock, book and homework are missing. Can Danny and...
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The Queen of Bais Yaakov
The story of Dr. Judith Grunfeld From Germany to Poland to England and beyond. She traveled the world and changed...
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Big Plans on Pleasant Street
A great story for kids Ten-year-old Yossi Levine lived on Pleasant Street. He didn’t like change very much, so Pleasant...
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A novel Supersleuth Yael Reed has seen a lot in her short yet thrilling investigative career. But when a frantic...
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Don't Look Back: The harrowing account of a young family's escape from Iran
The harrowing account of a young family's escape from Iran The border patrol took a close look at our passport....
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Ma'asei Avos
Pirkei Avos through the eyes of the students of the Baal Shem Tov and their disciples Pirkei Avos is a...
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Chanie of Wyoming
Come join Chanie's adventures as we watch her travel through her day in Wyoming. Watch the role she happily fulfills...
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Glixman in a Fix
An upbeat, action-packed story for older kids. “Mendel Glixman? You are Mendel Glixman?” I stopped in my tracks. “Who’s asking?”...
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You're Joking!
The kosher joke book You won’t stop laughing with You’re Joking! The Kosher Joke Book. And kids — you wrote...
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My Little Prayer Book
My little prayer and story book from the Western Wall Travel through time with a stone from the Kotel. Witness...
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The riveting serial that kept readers enthralled in Mishpacha magazine, now appearing with a never-before-seen ending and pages of new...
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Every Child Has a Story 3
This heartwarming book is full of real-life stories that are sensitively delivered by kids like you! Readers of the popular...
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Trouble Ahead
A fun-filled story for younger readers Here comes trouble… Tova and Shulamis Green are back! Following their super Achdus Club...
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An Ordinary Wednesday
A Thriller Be careful what you wish for… Rookie computer techie Ephraim Freedwald is your ordinary guy living an ordinary...
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The Shomrei Neshamos League and the Safety Mission
Meet the Shomrei Neshamos League and learn about their mission to keep all children safe. This "super safe" book explores...
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Mussia of Morocco
My name is Mussia and I'm six years young. I live in the city of Casablanca in Morocco. Morocco is...
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All That Glitters
4 Sparkling Novellas Michal and Racheli Gellis may be sisters, but they couldn’t be more opposite. Will a heart-stopping disaster...
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Untold Fortunes
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Fourteen-year-old Aviva Weinstein has the perfect life—an amazing best friend, adorable siblings, and a dazzling pink-and-white trimmed bedroom. But when...
Daddy's Girl
A novel Ultra-responsible Tova never needs people; people need her. But when the endlessly energetic wife, mother, and café owner...
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A novel Mrs. Hillman shifted in her seat. Yael paused and studied the woman’s expression. Something was definitely wrong. The...
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Meet Madame Chamberlaine
Meet Madame Chamberlaine and life will never be the same! Creepy noises in the attic? Stuck in an elevator with...
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Schneur of Chevron
Accompany Schneur on his daily adventures in Chevron, the city of our forefathers. Observe the role he happily fulfills as...
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The New Girl
A fun-filled story for younger readers. As the new girl at Bais Naomi, Hili Rosen hopes for a fresh start....
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12 Things That You May Not Know About Everyday Life
Great for kids of all ages! 12 Things That You May Not Know about Everyday Life is filled with fun and...
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Diamond Dust
Yalli Shapiro hungers for something more than her parents’ frugal kollel lifestyle, and no one is quite sure why. As...
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A Poor Jewish Match-Girl in Victorian England…A Novel A Poor Jewish Match-Girl in Victorian England… Orphaned and ill-treated by her...
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Shaina of Norway
Come join Shaina’s adventures as we watch her travel through beautiful Norway. Watch the role she happily fulfills as a...
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Big Gedaliah Goomber and the Hootcheehatchie Bridge
Includes CD with the original "Big Gedaliah Goomber" song! "Even double-double-triple pay won't make me work on Saturday!" Big Gedaliah...
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The Housekeeper in the Jewish Home
Halachic issues that will arise when a gentile is in a Jewish Home Do you ever have a gentile in...
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No Ordinary Yarmulke
Holden’s incredible journey through Jewish history begins when he tries on a yarmulke at Yentl’s Judaic Treasures, but what other...
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Nothing Bad Ever Happens
The incredible true story of one young girl alone escaping the Nazis “I’m scared,” Rachel said. “And if I’m scared...
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The Inner Light of Love
A way to connect to Hashem, to klal Yisrael, and to ourselves Love is vital to life. Everyone needs the...
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Motti of Paraguay
Come accompany Motti through his interesting life in the country of Paraguay. Watch the role he happily fulfills as a...
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Lemonade Girls Forever!
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A collection of upbeat, entertaining adventures When you’ve got lemons... Chavi, Devorah, Shiffy, and Avigayil are the Lemonade Girls. They’re...
The unforgettable, thrilling sequel to School of Secrets “This is too much like a mystery novel for my liking —...
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Who is Annie White (Fish)
A stirring and fascinating story, using vivid language In eighth grade, girls are nervous. They looked stunned, as if something...
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Walled Secrets
An action-packed teen novel The woman smiled broadly at both of them. “So what can I help you with?” Nechama...
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A Kosher Fish Tale
An imaginative journey that will entertain while teaching about kosher fish Last week it was my birthday. My dad said,...
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Rivka of Thailand
Come accompany Rivka through her daily life in the exotic country ofThailand. Watch the role she happily fulfills as a...
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Adrenalin Rush
There’s nothing like the adrenalin rush you get from being chased... Tim Soloff thrives on it. He needs it, too....
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Mendy of Siberia
Come join Mendy’s adventures as we watch him travel through snowy Siberia.Watch the role he happily fulfills as a busy...
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Avigayil and the Little Student
Smile with Avigayil, Book 1Ideal for early readers, the adorable pictures and characters, simple sentence structure, and frequent chapter breaks...
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Avigayil and the Little Chick
WHOLESALE ORDERS ONLY ALL OTHER ORDERS WILL BE CANCELED  Smile with Avigayil, Book 4Ideal for early readers, the adorable pictures...
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Avigayil and the Little Black Cat
Smile with Avigayil, Book 2Ideal for early readers, the adorable pictures and characters, simple sentence structure, and frequent chapter breaks...
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Avigayil and Her Little Friends
Smile with Avigayil, Book 3Ideal for early readers, the adorable pictures and characters, simple sentence structure, and frequent chapter breaks...
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Who Will Be the King of the Jungle?
The Tell Me a Story series, by world-renowned author Menucha Fuchs, teaches children practical lessons through insightful, beautifully illustrated parables....
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Shira the Sheep Loses Her Way
The Tell Me a Story series, by world-renowned author Menucha Fuchs, teaches children practical lessons through insightful, beautifully illustrated parables....
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Proud to be Prickly
The Tell Me a Story series, by world-renowned author Menucha Fuchs, teaches children practical lessons through insightful, beautifully illustrated parables....
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Now Dovy Bear Can Wait
The Tell Me a Story series, by world-renowned author Menucha Fuchs, teaches children practical lessons through insightful, beautifully illustrated parables....
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Levi and the Little Loaf
The Tell Me a Story series, by world-renowned author Menucha Fuchs, teaches children practical lessons through insightful, beautifully illustrated parables....
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Gavriel and the Golden Garden
The Tell Me a Story series, by world-renowned author Menucha Fuchs, teaches children practical lessons through insightful, beautifully illustrated parables....
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The Puppet Show
What can you do with just one sock?In this adorable book, a resourceful Ima shows her children how seemingly useless...
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The Little Helpers
The children want to help Ima in the kitchen, but can’t seem to get it right. Find out how Ima...
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The Most Beautiful Picture in the World
How do you make the most beautiful picture in the world? That's the challenge that faces four little friends in...
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Just a Pinch
Menucha V'Simcha Series, Book #7Another super set from Menucha Fuchs! Perfect for your youngest readers and for all children who...
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The Flying Invitation
WHOLESALE ORDERS ONLY Menucha V'Simcha Series, Book #1Another super set from Menucha Fuchs! Perfect for your youngest readers and for...
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All Aboard!
Menucha V'Simcha Series, Book #11Another super set from Menucha Fuchs! Perfect for your youngest readers and for all children who...
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Feathered Friends
Menucha V'Simcha Series, Book #14 In this charming story, a little boy discovers baby birds on his window sill and...
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The Military Goat
And Other Fun Facts, Book 2
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Shiri and Miri in the Garden
Shiri and Miri Series, Book #2Shiri and Miri, a delightful set of twins, come to life in these books for...
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Shiri and Miri and the Friendship Doll
Shiri and Miri Series, Book #1Shiri and Miri, a delightful set of twins, come to life in these books for...
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Leah and Eliyahu in the Dream House
Leah and Eliyahu Series, Book #4Join Leah and Eliyahu on the farm as they learn to get along together.
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Leah and Eliyahu and the Lost Chick
Leah and Eliyahu Series, Book #3Join Leah and Eliyahu on the farm as they learn to clean up after themselves.
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Leah and Eliyahu and the Banana Peel
Leah and Eliyahu Series, Book #2Join Leah and Eliyahu on the farm as they learn to work together with others.
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Leah and Eliyahu and the Magic Balloon
Leah and Eliyahu Series, Book #1Join Leah and Eliyahu on the farm as they learn to care for animals.
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Gilad's Special House
Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #13These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts to life — and smiles to...
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Palace of Treats
Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #11These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts to life — and smiles to...
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Batya the Bathtub
Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #10These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts to life — and smiles to...
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Doctor Pretend
Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #5These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts to life — and smiles to...
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An Olive from the House
Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #3These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts to life — and smiles to...
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Fish Without Taste
Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #2These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts to life — and smiles to...
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Everyone Has a Place
Storytime with Menucha Fuchs #1These short, easy-to-read stories for young children bring everyday concepts to life — and smiles to...
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The Scientific Balloon
And Other Fun Facts, Book 1
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Marvelous Moishy Eats Healthy Food
A Pre K educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #20 Children learn about eating healthy. Written by renowned children's author...
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Marvelous Moishy Doesn't Cheat
A Pre K educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #19 Children learn about honesty. Written by renowned children's author Menucha...
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Marvelous Moishy Can Do It by Himself
A Pre K educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #18 Children learn about independence. Written by renowned children's author Menucha...
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Marvelous Moishy Asks "Why?"
A Pre K educational series by Menucha Fuchs, book #17 Children learn about questions and answers. Written by renowned children's...
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