Zeldy Zumerfaygele Lernt Zich Fliyen

Zeldy Zumerfaygele Lernt Zich Fliyen


זעלדי זומערפייגעלע לערנט זיך פליען

Animal Kingdom Series #2

This adorable set of books, written by renowned children's author Menucha Fuchs and illu...read more

Book Title Zeldy Zumerfaygele Lernt Zich Fliyen
Author Menucha Fuchs
ISBN 9781614652526
Date Published
Leveled Reading
Cover Type Hardcover

זעלדי זומערפייגעלע לערנט זיך פליען

Animal Kingdom Series #2

This adorable set of books, written by renowned children's author Menucha Fuchs and illustrated by Esti Hess, introduces children to various members of the animal kingdom and their lifestyles in a fun, readable way. Share your children's excitement as they meet up with ants, ladybugs, and penguins in their natural habitats and learn what makes them behave the way they do. They won't let you put the story down!