Don't Look Back: The harrowing account of a young family's escape from Iran

Don't Look Back: The harrowing account of a young family's escape from Iran

The harrowing account of a young family's escape from Iran

The border patrol took a close look at our passport. “Something’s wrong,” he said.

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Book Title Don't Look Back: The harrowing account of a young family's escape from Iran
Author Brocha Kleiger
ISBN 9781614653493
Date Published April 2017
Leveled Reading
Pages 248
Cover Type Hardcover
The harrowing account of a young family's escape from Iran

The border patrol took a close look at our passport. “Something’s wrong,” he said.

“What could be wrong?” I could tell we were about to be shattered once again. My heart was pounding. I was holding my four-year-old daughter, who was burning up with fever from the long wait and the freezing temperature.

A young family makes the courageous decision to flee the religious persecution of Jews in Iran. After bidding tearful good-byes to their relatives and friends, they try to keep suspicious neighbors from guessing their true intents. Piled into an old truck with other refugees, they start their perilous journey through harsh winds and desert sand into the pitch-black night. Filled with tension and fear, they run for their lives, with only their fervent hope and faith to keep them going throughout their horrifying ordeal.

Don’t Look Back is the true, harrowing account of a young woman’s quest to save her family from danger and bring them to freedom. Readers will be inspired by Nahid’s inner journey, and renew their own appreciation of the freedom we often take for granted.