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In Spite of It All
An ominous darkness hangs over the streets of Vienna, but in the large dining room of our house, the chandelier is...
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How Do I Connect? - A practical beginner’s guide to Torah life and interacting with the Orthodox Jewish community
Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz says: "In this brief but comprehensive book by Daniel BIRO you will find all you need...
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A Prophetic Vision: Penetrating insights from Rav Elchonon Wasserman's Kovetz Maamarim
When circumstances don’t make sense, faith is what keeps us anchored. We may not know Hashem’s plan, but we know...
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Emulating Our Creator
How can we learn to emulate Hashem? Rav Avigdor Miller, zt”l — scholar, author, and popular lecturer — was one...
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