The Zohar on Shir Hashirim

The Zohar on Shir Hashirim

Rabbi Akiva says, “All sacred writings more
Book Title The Zohar on Shir Hashirim
Author Rabbi Moshe Miller
ISBN 9798888391150
Date Published May 2024
Leveled Reading
Pages 400
Cover Type Hardcover
Rabbi Akiva says, “All sacred writings are holy, but Shir HaShirim is the holy of holies.”
The holy words of Shir HaShirim are couched in allegory, with infinite layers of meaning in each pasuk. The Zohar reveals that Shir HaShirim is the fundamental principle of the entire Torah, as well as of yetzias Mitzrayim and the secrets of galus and geulah. It is the blueprint of our nation, of our lives and our future existence.

In this groundbreaking translation and commentary, the words of the Zohar can now be understood on a more profound level. Rabbi Moshe Miller, masterful translator of the classic Tomer Devorah and other works of Kabbalah and Chassidus, illuminates Shlomo HaMelech’s eternal words by giving us a glimpse into the Zohar’s cryptic expositions. Rendered into poetic but comprehensible terms, the Zohar’s teachings on Shir HaShirim are now available to the English-speaking public for the first time.